Daemon Cain Fitness

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Friday, August 19, 2005

7 Months last Monday

My wife and I were talking last night. She mentioned that it was about a year ago that we got our treadmill and I noted it was about 7 months since I started my strength training routine.

My wife recently hurt her ankle while training for our 10k run in September so to keep her moving I've helped her assemble her own strength training schedule. She has had a lot of questions and is looking to me for answers (which makes me feel pretty smart!!). I'm certainly no exercise expert however I've had great results by developing my own plan and ignoring a lot of advice.

I've given up on "weight" as a metric to which I'm measuring my success. My weight has been floating around 165-172 for WEEKS. During this time, the tight shirts that I bought at the begininng of the summer to show off my new body have become loose and big. My belt is too big (again) and even my 34 inch shorts are on the big side.

Yesterday my wife mentioned the new definition in my pecks and recent growth spurt of my bicepts. I am very excited.

For anyone who was interested on exactly what my routine is it goes as follows:

I perform the listed exercises over 48 hours performing 2 sets of 12 reps at a weight that is challenging. I take 1 day off then start over. If for some reason I miss a day then I double up and do the whole thing in one day.

Bench Press
Chest Fly
Resisted Crunch

Wide Pull Down
Narrow Pull Down
Standing Tricept Push Down

Leg Extension
Standing Hip Extension

Standing Bicept Curl
Seated Lat Row
Tricept Kickback
Rear Delt Row
Lateral Raise

Shoulder Press
Non-Resisted Crunch
Trunk Rotation
French Press


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