Daemon Cain Fitness

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

One step Closer to 10% Body Fat Goal

Want to hear some great news? I finally got down to 16.4% body fat this week. That means I must lose only 11 lbs of fat in order to reach my target of 10% body fat.

I'm so excited about that really. When I reached my goal of 160 lbs I have to admit I was pretty disappointed. Yes, I think look muscular enough however I thought I still looked pretty chunky in the midsection.

It's only been the past few weeks where now I'm starting to see some amazing changes in my body as I get ever more lean. For instance I'm getting much deeper definition in my arms and legs and some veins protrude as I'm lifting in my shoulders, forearms and biceps. That's only going to happen when you're lean and, I have to admit, I think it looks great.

Now all I need to do is start on getting a tan and I'll be ready for summer.

I remember how excited I was taking my first year photos. And rightfully so. From where I came from I looked amazing and I was proud.

The day has come though where I can look at those older photos now and say "WHAT WAS I THINKING?"

I did a vanity search on Google Images and found the first picture of mine that I ever liked. Compare that to where I am today and you can see how small (from a muscular sense) I was back then. My chest and arms were puny I had no pecs or forearms and my back muscles were basically non-existent.

I guess, like everything in life, it's all about evolution. In the not-so-distant future I'll consider the picture above to be my "before" picture as I move forward to new horizons.

Getting down to 10% body fat is still my goal but feels much more attainable now. The next challenge is going to be figuring out where to go from there.


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