Daemon Cain Fitness

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Monday, September 26, 2005

Measuring Success

I wrote a few weeks about the challenges in measuring success while strength training. For months I had been weighing the same. No gains or losses according to the weigh scale. I "though" I was looking better but since I hadn't been mearing my size all over how would I know?

I decided the best way to measure my success is abviously not by looking at the weigh scale. For 15 bucks I went out and purchased a Body Fat Pencentage measuring tool. It's a very simple device that tells a lot about my overall fitness.

Now using it I can determine if I'm reaching my goals even if my weight doesn't change because my progress is measured in fat loss and muscle gain, not just weight loss.

For example, last week I lost 2 pounds of fat and gained one pound of muscle. On the weight scale it shows that I've only lost one pound. I'd rather know I lost 2 pounds of fat and made myself one pound stronger.

My goal is to get to 10% body fat (if possible) so that means I still have another 28 pounds of fat to go. How much you wanna bet by the time I get there that I'll weigh just about the same as I do now?


  • I've been dieting, and I seem to be at a standstill already. I was exercising for a few weeks pretty well, and I've slacked off lately. I must get back to it, and lose some weight!

    By Blogger Christi, at 7:46 PM, September 29, 2005  

  • I threw my back out last Saturday, and have missed an entire week at the gym. To bad - I had (after reading your post on "experts") decided to change my routine. I REALY like the one I am doing now and this last week has been frustrating because I could get off the couch!

    By Blogger methatiam, at 6:52 AM, October 01, 2005  

  • Hey Daemon... congrats on working out...lookin' good... here's some links to check out some really great sports nutrition products...

    www.nutrilite.com vitamins & supplements
    www.xsgear.com sports/nutrition products ie.. protein drinks, energy drinks & bars, sports/nutrition drinks...

    By Blogger Jim, at 2:14 PM, October 03, 2005  

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