Daemon Cain Fitness

Looking for some before and after pictures from using my Bowflex? Click here.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Broken Bowflex

I'm sad to say that my Bowflex is BROKEN. Less than 2 years old and the cables have started to give way. I learned this as I was doing shoulder presses and noticed a stabbing in my back. At first I thought I had pulled something....then I realized my Bowflex was STABBING me!

Anyway, I've written the people at Bowflex to see how difficult it's going to be to get a replacement cable up to Toronto! I have to admit I'm pretty disappointed in how the machine is standing up over time. It's less than 2 years old and, although I use it a lot, it should still be in good shape. After all these machines are designed to be used aren't they???????

Anyway, I'll let you know what Bowflex says. I'm hopeful it's not going to cost an arm and a let otherwise I'll scrap the Power Rods and move onto Iron Plates.


  • Tee hee! No, Bowflexes aren't meant to be used! They expect that you will be like everyone else and buy it, use it for a couple of months, see results, then put it in a closet somewhere and forget about it forever till you sell it at a yardsale to someone else who will soon forget all about it!

    By Blogger Christi, at 11:22 PM, September 25, 2006  

  • That's what I'm scared of!

    By Blogger Mark, at 4:21 AM, September 26, 2006  

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