Daemon Cain Fitness

Looking for some before and after pictures from using my Bowflex? Click here.

Monday, January 22, 2007

2 Week Cardio Kick

I've decided I need a 2 week cardio kick.
I'm going to lay off the weights and commit myself to 20-30 mintues of day of cardio for 2 weeks.

Maybe then I'll finally get this extra fat off of my gut once and for all!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Need some fitness or computer help?

Apparently my benefits package at work doesn't cover basic things! Who would have thunk it?

So, I've just received a nice bill from the hospital that I wasn't expecting following my wife and son's stay.

So, I can either be your trainer or help you on a computer let me know!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Christmas Fat is not phat

Christmas treats have caught up with me and I've gained a few pounds. Trying very hard to shave those back off and so far I'm on track.

I was off work for 3 weeks after my son was born and although I kept my lifting routine in check I wasn't really walking around as much I do on a normal day in Toronto.

The day after I got back to work I realized my chins really hurt from the amount of walking I had to do. WOW. It was only 3 weeks!! Amazing how efficient the body is at dropping what it's not using.

Word to the wise: Use it or lose it.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Born, New Year and New Outlook

I've been asked a few times whether or not I'll be able to keep with my workout routine with a newborn in tow.

Master Nathan is already almost 2 weeks old and so far the routine hasn't skipped a beat except for the duration of his and his mother's hospital stay.

While staying in the hospital with my wife my diet consisted mostly of protein shakes and stealing 250 ml containers of milk. And, I won't lie about it, I completely obliterated a big bag of Doritos to celebrate my son's arrival.

I have promised my wife that I'll re-organize my workout schedule to cut down from the 4 days week to a 3. This will let give Mom a bit more time to relax while I watch the little guy.

Special thanks to my Mother-In-Law who bought me a great pair of training gloves for Christmas. I love them.