Daemon Cain Fitness

Looking for some before and after pictures from using my Bowflex? Click here.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Getting Back to Cardio

If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times.

I hate cardio!

I would have to say that's the biggest flaw in my workouts is that I don't focus enough on cardio.

Since I bike to and from the train station I usually try to make the excuse that my biking counts as a cardio workout. And, I guess it's not untrue but I'm certainly not getting the same effect as I would if I was running.

I simply don't find it fun. Either I'm bored on a treadmill watching a crappy TV show or too hot or cold when running outside.

But, even though I keep a very consistent weight and I'm still losing fat & gaining muscle I'm not getting where I want to be fast enough.

So, that means I need to up my cardio again and stop skipping my running.

I ran 5K this past Saturday. Surprisingly, I did it in under 30 minutes which means I'm on par with where I was last September when I was training for a 10 Km run for the PBSO charity run after my daughter died.

So I'm back at it.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Quick Update

My replacement part finally arrived yesterday for my Bowflex. I'm very happy!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Tracking Progress

I've found for me that one way to keep motivated it to track my progress. It's really great to see what I used to bench, for example, compared to what I'm lifing today.

I got my first routine from the Men's Health web site a year and 9 months ago. It was a circuit training routine and being as overweight as I was at the time it was NOT EASY to get though.

However, thankfully, I kept dedicated logs of everything I did. Because of those logs, I can tell you that, for example, I've increased my bench press by exactly 250% and French Press by 225%.

Because I haven't been doing all of the same exercises for the whole time I don't have the same data for every single exercise I do. However, I do still keep meticulous records and I can tell you that in the past 3 months I've increased my bicep curl by 17% and my lateral raises by 50%. The big winner again is my bench which, in the past 3 months, I've increased by 31%.

If you aren't already doing so, track your progress!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Crazy Week

Sorry I haven't really posted lately.

Things have been hectic around here but fortunately I'm still making time to hit the gym (well..home gym).

Amazingly, even though I'm under way more stress than usual at least I'm still sleeping well thanks to the exercise.

It's one of those weeks I guess....maybe I'll have more to say later.