I've talked about it several times. I do love my Bowflex!!
I don't think there's anything inherently special about it really. It's a workout machine like so many other workout machines.
If there's a difference, to me, it's their advertising. I find it helps keep me motivated!! You can buy a lot of exercise equipment and it's up to you to keep using it (like my treadmill which although I continue to use faithfully i'm not nearly as enthusiastic about it as I am about the Bowflex).
Normally I don't like advertising that gets in your head. However, this is probably the one exception to that rule because it helps me keep using it.
My routine, by the way, takes me about an hour every other day. I do arms, chest, back, legs all pretty thoroughly doing 2 to 3 sets of 15 reps on each (for 4 weeks) then 2 to 3 sets of 12 reps for 4 weeks.
I know everyone has a different routine but I got my "startup" routine from the Men's Health web site. I found it to be quite good at getting me going. I still use variations of it but I've added a lot more exercises to it to keep me going.
Anyway, Bowflex for Breakfast is a great way to not need morning coffee too.
Oh, by the way, I've saved over 40 dollars so far by riding my bike instead of taking my car to the train station. And, as an added bonus, "demand" on gas has gone down (since I'm not using it). Maybe if a just a few more people rode their bike gas prices could start to get down to more reasonable levels again.
And, finally, I can feel like I'm doing some good in fighting air pollution (yeah...pretty cheeze but I'll take it).